Track Mafia
A West London based running crew, track club and creative hub founded at Paddington Recreation Ground in 2012.

It was started by myself, Jules and Jeggi. When we started the whole point was simply to have a safe space to explore running the way we wanted to. We wanted a place to grow, to work on being more consistent, to work on being stronger. We hadn’t seen any middle distance organisations that spoke to us so we decided to create one.

The plan was to change the way that normal everyday people felt about track and speed and discomfort and feeling uncomfortable as unfortunately in running there are many ways to improve or progress but most will involve you being uncomfortable for a period of time. We told people this from the get go but told them we’d be there with them every step of the way. I think this is why they came, they could see we were passionate about what we were doing, what we were talking about and as time passed we had people from all walks of life coming both young and old. All the people who came were represented in our imagery and storytelling, therefore everyone felt that they were welcome and to us that’s one of the most important things about our team.